Baby Audrey | Phoenix, AZ | Lifestyle Newborn Photography

February 16, 2018

Hello! I am Lori Oberbroeckling, the photographer with LORI O PHOTO in Phoenix, AZ. Today we are loving on a lifestyle newborn photography session with the {W} family. Interested in booking your family, milestone, couples, senior, newborn, Fresh 48, birth or specialized session? Please contact me using the contact form here, email to, or call 480-330-5362.

Let her sleep, for when she wakes she will move mountains.



When Jennifer and Ryan told me they were going to have another baby, and this time a girl, I was so excited to be chosen to take their maternity photos. You can imagine my thrill when I not only was able to take Fresh 48 photos for them in the hospital, but then newborn photos once they returned home with their tiny girl.

[Never heard of Fresh48? These are photos taken within the first 48 hours of baby being born, generally still in the hospital. They can include baby, mom, dad and other family too!]

Baby Audrey was a dream! For the first half of my time with the family, she was awake and alert, looking at her brother and mama and daddy with curious eyes. She never cried, never fussed. I was able to hold her for a moment, and that brought back all those new baby emotions. I cannot get enough of babies and their smell, touch, sweetness. I would probably have 10 kiddos if my husband would let me! [He DEFINITELY will not!]

She had a quick little nursing session and went right to sleep. She gave us sweet baby faces, sleepy smiles and all the feels you want from a baby just six days new. Welcome to the {W} Family, little Audrey, and we have no doubt they love you to the moon.

Lifestyle newborn photography Phoenix, AZLifestyle newborn photography Phoenix, AZ


Lifestyle newborn photography Phoenix, AZ Lifestyle newborn photography Phoenix, AZ Lifestyle newborn photography Phoenix, AZ Lifestyle newborn photography Phoenix, AZ